
Leading and serving teams can be challenging and overwhelming at times. Leaders need space to consider where things are going well and what adjustments they could make to increase the team's performance and measurable success. John has a track record of successfully building teams in the private, nonprofit, and government sectors and he brings those experiences with him to coaching conversations. The stakes could not be higher as the pressure on leaders increases. Give yourself an advantage by having an experienced coach on your side.

If you are interested in Leadership Coaching with John, please click here.


“Former Ambassador John Cotton Richmond brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that goes well beyond the anti-trafficking field. His executive coaching speaks to every skill necessary to run an organization effectively with a posture of wisdom and kindness, while also being challenging and motivating. Every meeting with Ambassador Richmond deepens my leadership skillset and strengthens my strategic planning for the growth of our organization. He has pushed me to think beyond my own limitations and dream much bigger.”

Melissa, NGO Executive Director


“The first time John and I “met” on a Zoom call, I immediately began to tear up. I’m not a big crier but something about seeing John’s smiling face for the first time over the screen just touched my heart deeply. I felt like I had found a kindred spirit. Throughout the next six months of our mentorship calls, I realized how true that first feeling was. John is a humble and caring. He is also wise and experienced in the complexities of law practice and politics. On our first call, I was desperately needing a mentor who could help me navigate the overwhelming press demands my law firm was receiving about a high-profile client I was representing. I didn’t know where to look for mentorship on “dealing with the press when you are a lawyer with a famous client.” John walked me through it like a pro. Then on other sessions when I wanted guidance on how to balance career and family life, he had wisdom for that as well. I especially enjoyed our call with John, my husband Jorge, and I where he shared with us his family’s “Ten Life Rules.” Jorge and I have implemented many of John’s family’s values into our home after that call. If John becomes your mentor and you have kids, be sure to ask him about his Ten Life Rules (and encourage him to write a book about it someday!). I can’t recommend John’s mentorship highly enough.

– Andrea, Law Firm Managing Partner